Breaking it down...

A big challenge for entrepreneurs is overwhelm. So many projects, people & problems to solve. The best solution is to breathe. That's definitely the first step. Next, take out a pad of paper and get some of your cluttered thoughts on to the page... this should get you to the point where you can clearly move forward. I use a process called, "Natural Planning" named by David Allen in his book, "Getting Things Done" -- a sort of road map for discovering the components of a project. It's a 5 step process:

1st - Set a clear & measurable goal
2nd - Brainstorm the required components
3rd - Organize the ideas into fields (people to contact, things to buy or build, etc.)
4th - break it all down into specific tasks with dates
5th - Review & assess

At this point, getting it done is a matter of taking one step at a time...

Business Consulting & Coaching

For entrepreneurs ready to take their San Francisco Bay Area business to the next level.