Business has four sections, and it's very useful to know which one (or
what mix) you're working in to see where you are:
External Relationships:
Advertising, Suppliers, Outside Retailers, Marketing, sales, Etc.
This is your connection to the outside world, where you present
yourself & your art. The most important distinction to make here is
that what you present is often different from what others get. In
other words, think from the receiver's point of view rather than your
own...what do they see & what to they really want?
Internal Processes:
Scheduling, Production, Delivery & Documentation. How you track what's
going on in your business is a set of practices that should fit your
personal style and get the job done right. Some people remember their
schedules in their heads while others print out procedures for getting
out of the house and into the studio every morning. It is an evolving
practice that will grow with you your entire life. It is the living
expression of your art in the World and having a written map of that
process frees your mind for creating more art.
Budgeting, Income & Expenses, Taxes, Etc. Money is more than just
dollars. It is a flow of energy between people, describing what they
agree is of value. Avoiding tracking your money doesn't eliminate
expenses & income, it just hides details from your consciousness, but
you always know on the inside. Being willing to face your money flow
takes courage and support --it's worth it.
Training, Education, Expansion. Personally expanding your skills &
abilities is the greatest gift you can give to yourself. Intentionally
creating a personal development path, from daily meditation to
personal-finance-seminars, will insure that you serve your art
powerfully. Be willing to set aside your ego and explore what you
don't know.
Working in any of the four regions of business should serve your
artistic vision. Whenever you choose distributors, make sales, explore
new possibilities...any business activity --ask yourself, "Does this
serve my art?" If it doesn't, explore an alternative route that does.
The business of art can be hard work and knowing your artistic vision
is being served provides vitality and clarity to your business